MySQL is a significant atom of a LAMP server. This amazingly fast database system is synonymous with PHP applications. Understanding the potentially complex details of views, stored procedures, merge tables, clustering, to name a few, can give your organization a competitive advantage. Pro Mysql, written by Micheal Kruckenberg and Jay Pipes and published by Apress, is a highly detailed account of the more advanced features of MySQL 5.0. A book well worth reading for those of you that want to become experts in this ever-evolving field. Deep in content and broad in extent there is little to be critical over.

My first impression of this book was highly positive: The book contains advanced content ranging over a wide series of issues; exactly the details I was missing. Now how could that be possible? Note that the hard working developers designed MySQL from the bottom up to be fast and efficient. After achieving this respectable goal, they now deliver in every new version of the database significant new features. This book explains very well indeed sets found in version 5. The fundamental differences between the MyISAM and InnoDB databases represents must have knowledge. As a developer, chapter four MySQL System Architecture picked at my curiosity.
This book explains very well indeed the new feature sets found in version 5
The contents
Pro MySQL is a well-bodied 768 pages in size. However, you will not find any fat. It is split into two sections: Design and Development; and Administration. If you are either a developer or an administrator of a version 5 database, you should see value in buying this book. New technologies that are detailed include; stored procedures, functions, cursors, views and triggers. I found particularly relevant the mention of views, as I realized that I can refactor an old database structure and leave a view behind to enable legacy applications to still function. Chapter 19 Clustering mentions future directions some Application Service Provider friends of mine should take.
Each chapter is self-contained, so those of you that wish for instant fun may consider playing with stored procedures as mentioned in chapter 9 or the MySQL data dictionary examples in chapter 21. I was left scratching my head over the subject of dealing with hierarchical data (read menus) in chapter 8. I almost can’t wait to try the explained solution out in practice to obtain a more rounded understanding of this solution.
If you are a developer or an administrator of a version 5 database, you should see value in buying this book
Who’s this book for?
This book is for those of us that wish for more than a passing knowledge of Mysql. The book is particularly suited to the doers, such as database administrators and developers.
Relevance to free software
Although there are a great number of excellent and free databases out there, MySQL to some extent counter balances SQL server in the perceptions of managers in industry. From the free software stable MySQL has the greatest popular recognition. If this database has serious issues, then overtime this process will tarnish free software reputations. Therefore, it is of great importance not just for the individual enterprises involved, but also for the global reputation of free software, that deployments run smoothly and better than the relatively weakened proprietary opposition. This book tools the relevant parties with the prerequisite knowledge needed, a thoroughly solid, concrete basis of understanding.
This book helps relevant parties understand the features that an Enterprise deployment entails. The content covers all the major topics and all the new features found in version 5. Further described are the different storage types and the appropriate conditions to use the storage types. If you want to develop or deploy an application or environment that has more than one user this book covers the essentials and delivers more expanded explanations. With 21 in depth chapters, there is enough evenly detailed content to please a wide-ranging audience.
Pro MySQL currently is the most advanced book in the Apress roadmap for the database. If you are looking for an easier contact with the basic dilemmas facing database managers then perhaps the book Beginning MySQL Database Design and Optimization (ISBN 1590593324) is more appropriate.
Title | Pro Mysql |
Author | Michael Kruckenberg and Jay Pipes |
Publisher | Apress |
ISBN | 159059505X |
Year | 2005 |
Pages | 768 |
CD included | No |
FS Oriented | 10 |
Over all score | 9 |
In short