In this newsletter I’m going to try to point out the paramount free software sites. Or at least try to point out a few that will make you think for a minute, and maybe get your older computer to do something new.
I’ve asked around a bit to try to see what others feel are the best free software sites around, and I’ve chosen 5 of the best to show you for this article. Don’t be afraid to explore for yourself and find your own favourites.
I’m going to try to point out the paramount free software sites

The website for the K Desktop Environment(KDE) is simplistic in style, but contains all the information you’ll ever need on what some will argue is the Linux world’s most popular desktop environment.

KDE includes a file and web browser with a modern look and feel and various integrated applications.
The KDE website also has sub-sites for each of each applications and projects. There is also a flock of sites for themes, artists and blogs.

DistroWatch does just what its name suggests, it watches various distributions of *nix and BSD systems. It should be the first place you look for information on finding the perfect OS for that old PC sitting in the corner... yeah... that one.
DistroWatch also announces new releases, including releases of major software packages.
Don’t want to sort though the entire website? Go for the weekly edition and keep up-to-date on what’s going on in the wonderful world of free software OSs.

Spreadfirefox is “the original community project” in my books, but then again I’m biased. That said SpreadFirefox (or SFX as it’s affectionately called) is a huge community marketing site that really shows just how much a community can do.
SFX also offers various prizes and awards, including fully loaded computer systems for extension developers.
Ultimate Boot CD

The Ultimate Boot CD website might not look like much, but the documentation here, along with the software of course, can save many a PC (and many a PC repair fee).
Ultimate Boot CD provides all the tools you need to get your PC up and running from a crash, and also has tools like web browsers and antivirus tools included on this disk.
Book Competition!
This week we are giving away a copy of Deploying OpenLDAP.
All you need to do to enter is check out the latest book competition announcement on our blogs page.
Thanks go to Apress for providing this fantastic prize.

Epiphany is GNOME’s built-in web browser. Light and modernistic, it’s based on Mozilla’s Gecko engine. The Epiphany website, like the browser, is clean and easy to navigate.
The website’s contribute section and online documentation is formatted to be easy to use, and easy to read.
Now for the best part, discovery. There are literaly millions of projects out there just waiting to be discovered! And if, on your travels, you come across a site you want to share with our readers and would like me to review, add a comment with your suggestions here. Happy surfing!