Newsletter, 3 September 2010

Dear Readers,

As you are subscribers to Free Software Magazine, chances are you already know my name. Up to this point, I made sure I would send "newsletters" that were always articles that I considered important and that felt I wanted to share with you. This time, I have three things I really wanted to say:

FIRST: What would YOU like to see in Free Software Magazine?

First of all, I would like to ask you, personally: what would you like to read, in Free Software Magazine? Our team is fantastic, but we would love to hear from you: what's your preference? What do you miss the most?

Please reply to me personally (hit reply to this email, or if you are reading this online, write to me on chief@) -- I will be happy to discuss it with you! To make your lives easier, here are some practical questions -- feel free to reply "yes" or "no"!

  • A weekly update in the free software world, maybe to be sent as a newsletter
  • More tutorial-like articles
  • More political articles
  • More controversy? (We don't tend to do much of this, but it does spark some interest)

SECOND: Don't miss the OSDI if you are in Canada!

Now, if you happen to be in Canada in October, then you really ought to go and meet everybody at the OSDI. Here is a description provided by the OSDI people themselves:

The 9th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '10) will take place October 4-6, 2010, in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Join us for OSDI '10, the premier forum for discussing the design, implementation, and implications of systems software. This year's program has been expanded to include 32 high-quality papers in areas including cloud storage, production networks, concurrency bugs, deterministic parallelism, as well as a poster session. Don't miss the opportunity to network with researchers and professionals from academic and industrial backgrounds to discuss innovative, exciting work in the systems area.

Register by September 13 and save! Additional discounts available!

THIRD: join the IDG Techpanel if you are so-inclined!

Also, the good guys at IDG asked us to spread the word about their IDG Techpanel, where people can tell them their opinion about what's important to them. Before sending the link, I had a very good look and it looks anonymous enough... if this sort of thing is your cup of tea, you may find it interesting (and help then define who actually reads our magazine):

Help support Free Software Magazine!

Join the IDG TechPanel and get rewards!

FOURTH: Have you tried ZenOSS? (It's free monitoring software!)

Finally, I want to thank the guys at ZenOss for their continued support to Free Software Magazine. ZenOss create monitoring software; the code is released under a free license, and... well, we use it ourselves here to check that everything works fine with our servers. And it works! Have a look if you haven't already:

And yes, it's completely free software. We are not trying to sell anything!

Thanks a lot for listening!


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